after the bad food choices made yesterday and the ensuing discomfort, i was feeling particularly sorry for myself and as such decided to have a wonderful saturday.

saturday jazz on RTR.

the weather is just right for reading the paper out in the garden.

and there i was.

had to move into the sun to read the real bit of the newspaper. shamu had to come and add her two cents of course.

got to wear my ugly-beautiful shoes and their soulmates - weird toeless socks. a match made in heaven!

st. georges tce is so eerily quiet on a saturday. i like it.

young joshua at work.

le tigre,tigre.

going to miss this coffee - and chocolate given ever-so-generously by the lovely jackson.



dave wanted to have his new jacket tailored but, alas, the tailor has saturdays off too. so instead we looked in the window of this rare bookshop. i totally want the 'ballet in action' book. good thing all books are half price.

more friends. heading back to tiger.

joshie joined us on his lunch break.

after the city i braved a trip to claremont because i talked myself into getting some salmon.

it was totally worth the effort.

it's hard to tell in this photo but my yoghurt matched this ad perfectly. seriously.

finished the day with an outfit change and a cup of tea. trying to wear all my shoes, no matter how inappropriate, before i go. i feel bad about leaving them behind.
1 comment:
Great story told in pictures.
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