August 26, 2010

last day

after a quick pack and a quick coffee i met rhea for brunch and then it was on to the market to shop for a feast. (rhea matched the rainbow chard beautifully).

the produce we came home with quickly turned into a still life.

a snack, a cider and a nap and we started cooking.

jackie and rhea.

megan, ky and sean.

that blonde, be-hatted blur is ranya and her friend lord gavin.

megan, so fantastic.

and this, this is miller's. i spent a good amount of time here (almost every night i think).

we (ky, megan, rhea and i) stayed til the bitter end. then it was home to organize the remainder of my stuff, into a cab and onto jfk (where i promptly sobered up). and that's it.

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