December 20, 2009


right, that time of year again kids. nope, not christmas, the top ten time of year. i must say it's been an interesting one for me, mainly because i haven't had the means to acquire everything i've liked, nor have i even been that dedicated to scoping out the bright young things. as a result, this year has been simply outstanding for artists that i already love. so without further ado and blah blah blah, my lists (in no particular order).

top albums 2009 (not ten albums, there aren't ten that i adore. it's more accurate this way).

Beirut - March of the Zapotec & Realpeople : Holland
Bill Callahan - Sometimes I Wish We Were An Eagle
Emmy The Great - First Love
Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest
the xx - xx
The Black Keys etc - Blackroc (only just bought it and i love, love, love it. it's so perth to me.)

as a consolation, these are the other albums from 2009 that took my fancy.

Atlas Sound - Logos (very solid)
Dent May - The Good Feeling Music of Dent May and his Magnificent Ukulele
The Mountain Goats - The Life of the World to Come

and now in a completely separate category, the revelation of 2009 (or the revelation of this week) :

the holy trinity of country/folk : guy clark, steve earle and the inimitable townes van zandt. now i admit wholeheartedly to being a recent convert but as a sign of my good faith and commitment, i'm going to 78s tomorrow to stock up for some excellent driving-down-south-in-the-sweltering-heat music.

now, i'm not going to bother with a top ten of the decade because there is one crystal clear winner (and the other nine pale in comparison), and that is (can you guess it?)      Smog - A River Ain't Too Much To Love.

i do hope this has been, in some minor way, enlightening. and if not, it soothes me to do it and that's all that matters. happy christmas to all and to all a goodnight.

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