we spent mum and dad's last day in london wandering through the east stopping at favourite haunts to refresh. i met them down on columbia road and we walked up to climpson's for breakfast and coffee. then we sauntered down the canal to the pavilion for more coffee and marveled at the geese in the algae. from there, we retraced our steps back to rochelle's canteen which was busy (the busiest - it was gloriously sunny) but, as always, worth the wait.

mum departed after lunch so dad and i trekked around the City (starting here at rivington place) visiting the greats and discovering the underdogs.

hello gherkin.

hello lloyd!

this building is just so incredibly detailed. imagine all those joints, all those connections that needed to be considered. it really is a fortress though. distant respect is now fully fledged puppy-love.

dad took this one. i can't claim credit.
and this is the view from mum and dad's suite (!!! - they were upgraded) at the boundary. i want to live here.
lovely london light. hopefully you know that i'm way too lazy to have altered this photo. if anything, downsizing has diminished its vibrance.

up on the roof.

ellie vs. me.

ellie vs. dad (dad won, i think).

dad and my beautiful, hilarious, darling cousin, stephanie.