despite finding out that i have shingles early on thursday morning, i ended up having the most incredible day. met up with ellie and we wandered about in shoreditch admiring clothes and shoes that we still can't afford (despite the sales). onto to rochelle's canteen for lunch where this rollercoaster ramp...

...was set up in the courtyard and henry holland and luella bartley were lunching. we both (ellie and i) decided to have the broadbean and courgette soup for lunch with a little side salad. delicious as always. as we had finished a man came up and invited us on to the roof to participate in what can only really be described as a performance piece. i went up first (it has to be one at a time) and was blindfolded with a pair of white cloth goggles (hard to describe), given a pair of headphones and told to await instructions. the next ten minutes or so was spent in a really intimate dream-state, following the voices and completely leaving reality. it really is impossible to describe but i can't stop thinking about it.
ellie and i then walked up to climpson's (we stopped at the farm [see next post] and at the pharmacy where ellie very kindly bought me some calamine for my wounds), had a coffee in the park and then i went home for a nap.
later, i went to meet hannah after work and we bumped into young keira knightly and her man. she's short too. 5'7 apparently!
came home and hung out with aggy and kate and marveled at how nice it is when there are no boys around! the most wondrous and complete day i've had, in recent memory at least.
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