an eerily vacant cafe. this does not happen.

an all too familiar sight, though not my responsibility today. technically, because i was chef today i should have finished at four, but i stuck around doing odd jobs til five and then skipped out when the real cleaning began...

...straight to the bar next door with jamie (nicola too). nothing like sitting in the gutter with a cocktail after a long day.

we gathered some more people ad hung out drinking free cocktails for a while. they really are so good to us there.

some of my housemates were at the cat/twat but matt, nicola, hannah, gustav and a bunch of swedes were hanging on the corner, so i did that instead.

after much indecision and loitering we ended up in the gutter outside the dove (down the road a bit). none of us have any money (paid on monday), all of us were tired and just over it so we parted until tomorrow. pretty much a typical saturday, so now you know.
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