December 27, 2009

faster next time

the best way to see the west australian bushland? whooshing.

i think it suits me.

December 20, 2009


right, that time of year again kids. nope, not christmas, the top ten time of year. i must say it's been an interesting one for me, mainly because i haven't had the means to acquire everything i've liked, nor have i even been that dedicated to scoping out the bright young things. as a result, this year has been simply outstanding for artists that i already love. so without further ado and blah blah blah, my lists (in no particular order).

top albums 2009 (not ten albums, there aren't ten that i adore. it's more accurate this way).

Beirut - March of the Zapotec & Realpeople : Holland
Bill Callahan - Sometimes I Wish We Were An Eagle
Emmy The Great - First Love
Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest
the xx - xx
The Black Keys etc - Blackroc (only just bought it and i love, love, love it. it's so perth to me.)

as a consolation, these are the other albums from 2009 that took my fancy.

Atlas Sound - Logos (very solid)
Dent May - The Good Feeling Music of Dent May and his Magnificent Ukulele
The Mountain Goats - The Life of the World to Come

and now in a completely separate category, the revelation of 2009 (or the revelation of this week) :

the holy trinity of country/folk : guy clark, steve earle and the inimitable townes van zandt. now i admit wholeheartedly to being a recent convert but as a sign of my good faith and commitment, i'm going to 78s tomorrow to stock up for some excellent driving-down-south-in-the-sweltering-heat music.

now, i'm not going to bother with a top ten of the decade because there is one crystal clear winner (and the other nine pale in comparison), and that is (can you guess it?)      Smog - A River Ain't Too Much To Love.

i do hope this has been, in some minor way, enlightening. and if not, it soothes me to do it and that's all that matters. happy christmas to all and to all a goodnight.


dinner with tess, harry, henry (shirt off, bien sur), and dave.

and michael too. (r.i.p).


this was last weekend. dad and i took a trailer-load of stuff down to blackrock. including the sculptures, the shadow of which you can see here. kind of spooky.

this isn't what the light is like...

though it's a nice effect taking photos through uv-protective-tinted-glass.

December 13, 2009

leaving an impression

my room.

where the sculpture had to be dug out.

and scattering honeypot's ashes...

all around the garden.

an homage

goodbye, my love.

ellie and my wardrobes were built into the original house and left in when we renovated. as such, they had to be destroyed (by their creator, no less) in order to get them out of the house.

at least i don't have to worry about crocodiles in the tub anymore.

moving day

we have so much stuff.

poor maman, eating lunch in what was left of the kitchen.

December 11, 2009

down in nedlands

josh, dave and henry moved into a new place while i was away. it's heaps bigger than the last place (dave no longer shares a room) and henry has converted their garage into a moroccan den.

hookah, hat, and all (it's apple tobacco).

henry, justin and josh.

at last we meet

this is sar and my god-daughter, lulu. a very fat, very cute little kitty.

November 27, 2009

the longest post ever


young david at tiger.

young eleanor at zekka.

r.i.p daul kim (death has been a bit of a theme).

in typical perth fashion, the fun-looking thing in the centre of town is roped off.


ellie and i went along to the tafe graduate fashion show. we got pap'd.

the inimitable josh and dave.

a contentious pig.

ahh. perth.